The Cathedral

The Cathedral ( 2022 )

The Cathedral


An only child's meditative, impressionistic account of an American family's rise and fall over two decades.

Actores: Brian d'Arcy James, Monica Barbaro, Hudson McGuire, Henry Glendon Walter V, Robert Levey II, William Bednar-Carter, Mark Zeisler, Geraldine Singer, Cynthia Mace, Madeline Hudelson, Siena Marino, Linnea Gregg, Candy Dato, Erich Rausch, Gorman Ruggiero
Director: Ricky D’Ambrose, Ricky D’Ambrose, Ricky D’Ambrose, David Lowery
Fecha de estreno: 2022

Otros Titulos:

The Cathedral
2022 Año
Drama Generos